Ucraina – Winner vs. Loser

(Wine) so cheap there’s seeds at the bottom, in another room it’s clenched teeth and a racing mind. When you’re lying down, be on your side. In an unrelated incident there was too much evidence. A friend from that night left and never came back… EAST was right, just too…

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F-16A / B (partea a doua)

Prezentul articol este o continuare la https://www.rumaniamilitary.ro/f-16a-b si este in corelare cu https://www.rumaniamilitary.ro/putina-istorie si se refera cu precadere la capabilitatile F-16 ale RNoAF Se pare ca toate aparatele apartinand aviatiei regale norvegiene (RNoAF) au trecut prin programul STAR (Structural Augmentation Roadmap ) –  a nu se confunda cu programul SLEP…

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