Cu ocazia vizitei pe care RoMilitary a efectuat-o pe FS „Guepratte” în data de 5 Decembrie 2017, am avut ocazia de a fi prezentaţi reprezentantului Naval Group cu care am avut o scurtă discuţie informală şi promisiunea unui interviu.
Pentru că (aproape) toată lumea vorbeşte engleză, şi pentru a evita orice denaturări datorate traducerii, am ales să publicăm întrebările şi răspunsurile exact aşa cum au fost formulate:
Romania Military (RM): „Considering the announcement made by Naval Group representatives on board “Guepratte” on December 5th, 2017 and the budget proposed by Romanian authorities amounting to 1,6 billion Euros for four corvettes and proposed offset consisting in modernizing the two T22R Romanian frigates and building a maintenance facility in Romania, what is the exact ship that Naval Group is taking in consideration to offer to Romania? Gowind 2500 in the Egyptian (approximately 2500 tons) or its Malaysian version (approximately 3100 tons)? If possible, can you provide us a more detailed configuration of the future corvettes in terms of displacement, propulsion, sensors and combat management system and armament?”
Naval Group (NG): „Due to the fact there will be an open competition, Naval Group cannot reveal in advance what could be its offer. During the various contacts with the Navy and the Ministry of Defence, it appears that the Egyptian version of the GOWIND would match the expectations of the Romanian Navy. The displacement is around 2.500 t and could encompass following equipment:
- – 3D surveillance radar
- – variable depth sonar + hull mounted sonar
- – main gun canon
- – SSM
- – SAM
- – lightweight torpedoes launcher
- – light guns
- – CMS would be a Naval Group integrated product
Nevertheless Naval Group is keen on analyzing each type of requirement that the Navy would present and adapt the proposal within its large range of sea proven ships.”
RM: „With reference to the same estimated budget, will the ship proposed by Naval Group be capable for full spectrum of naval warfare: AAW, ASW, ASuW and EW?”
NG: „Since there will be an open competition, Naval Group cannot answer at this question. It seems, but I invite you to contact directly the Romania’ Government, that the estimated budget allocated for this program is the one that you mention in Point 1. (nota RM: prima întrebare)”
RM: „As Naval Group signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Naval Shipyards Constanta (SN Constanta), will Naval Group perform a full transfer of technology to the Romanian shipyard so that we can fully integrate the maintenance of the proposed corvettes in Romania throughout entire life cycle of the ships? Will all the ships be built here in Romania as this is an important requirement of the Romanian authorities?”
NG: „Though there will be a competition, Naval Group noticed the strong desire of Romanian Government linked to a full transfer of technology in Romania and consequently Naval Group is going to operate a full Transfer of Technology, aiming at autonomy to the Romanian Navy for getting maintenance achieved and performed by a highly skilled shipyard, in front of the Naval base, in Constanta. As presented on board FNS Guepratte in December 2017, all the 4 ships are going to be built in Romania for the Romanian tax payers’ benefit.”
RM: „Are there any other future plans for Naval Group in Romania, like acquiring Constanta Naval Shipyard for further development or will it be only a one project cooperation?”
NG: „Since there will be an open competition we cannot reveal more information at this stage. However, SNC (nota RM: Santierul Naval Constanţa) is a privately owned shipyard which will welcome cooperating on all opportunities.”
RM: „Did Naval Group’s experts make an evaluation of the Constanta Naval Shipyard current capabilities and work force and identified any possible Romanian suppliers for the construction of the four corvettes? Will there be any additional learning programs to instruct Romanian workers in France?”
NG: „A shipyard survey has already been carried out at SNC, and the shipyard has definitely all capabilities to build a navy ship, with the assistance of Naval Group experts. SNC team shall participate at On-Job-Training sessions in Lorient, in order to align procedures and sharing experiences. This is a traditional training part of the Transfer of Technology process that Naval Group is implementing throughout the world for achieving successful warships complex programs.”
RM: „If possible, can you confirm to us whether Gowind 2500 is provided with a Sylver VLS or not? Is it technically possible, if Romanian authorities (as mentioned in the Government Decision project published on Romanian MoD website) identify additional financing, that the Gowind 2500 can operate Aster 15 missiles using the same Sylver VLS that will be installed on the corvettes sold to Romania? Will a future retrofit from VL Mica to Aster 15 be possible in the future without massive structural modifications of the ship, its combat management system and sensors?”
NG: „As presented by MBDA and Naval Group, the Romanian ship could be fitted with VL MICA. Future plan of Navy are unknown, Naval Group is willing to bring assistance for upgrade and modernization, both on its own ships or naval ships bought from foreign source. Naval Group is furthermore ready to study any other request that the Romanian Navy would consider for improving its performance at sea.”
ENS „El Fateh” Sursa: NavalToday
Caracteristici generale corvete Gowind 25oo – Egipt (preluare wikipedia):
Deplasament: | 2.500 tone |
Lungime: | 102 m |
Propulsie: | CODAD |
Viteză: | 25 knots (46 km/h; 29 mph) |
Autonomie: | 3,700 Mm la 15 Nd |
Anduranţă: | 11 zile |
Bărci: | 2 × 9 m RHIB |
Echipaj: | 65 + 15 FOS |
Senzori şi CMS: |
Război electronic: |
Armament: |
Elicopter: |
Facilităţi aviatice: | helipad şi hangar |
După Damen, Naval Group este următorul constructor naval care şi-a anunţat intenţia de a participa la licitaţia privind programul României de dotare cu corvete multifuncţionale. Naval Group este principalul furnizor de nave pentru Marina Franţei (şi nu numai), iar modelul Gowind, după un început timid, se arată a fi un mare succes comercial.
În lumina recentelor declaraţii ale ministrului apărării, merită menţionat că Naval Group fabrică submarinul diesel-electric „Scorpene”, propus şi polonezilor, şi a câştigat recent programul gigant de dotare a Australiei cu un nou tip de submarin, program despre care puteţi citi mai multe aici
Personal, le urez mult succes celor de la Naval Group şi, să încheiem visând frumos, zic:
Nicolae Hariuc