Programul JSF la rascruce: costuri de operare vs. numar de aparate comandate

General-locotenent  Christopher C. Bogdan “We must use all of our energy finishing development within the time and money we have, we must continue to drive the cost of producing F-35s down, and we must start today to attack the long term life cycle costs of the F-35 weapon system”, a declarat…

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SAUR 2 si TBT 8×8, ultimele stiri

Incepem cu SAUR 2 care, la inceputul acestui an,  a incheiat perioada de testare. In acest moment transportorul este omologat pe deplin si poate intra, daca MApN-ul doreste, in productia de serie. Deocamdata singura turela omologata pentru SAUR 2 este una telecomandata cu o mitraliera calibrul 12,7. Desi in teste…

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