Nave celebre – Episodul 8: Distrugătoarele Type 42, HMS „Coventry”, HMS „Sheffield”

“We had been through nearly four extremely dangerous weeks but were frightfully proud of what we were doing. It was the bravest and most brilliant campaign in British military history.” – Captain David Hart Dyke, Commanding Officer HMS „Coventry”   HMS „Edinburgh” În data de 31 Mai 2013, HMS „Edinburgh”,…

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Batalia pentru Mosul…

Azi o dam asa, mai pe europene, nu pe americanisme (a durat cam mult planificarea acestei „operatiuni ofensive de eliberare”)…   Peste 100 00 de trupe ale aliatilor: Irak (54/60 000 ISF si 14 000 paramilitari), Peshmerga irakieni (40 000), SUA ( 500 pt. suport logistic in prima faza, numarul total…

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