Meanwhile in the real world:

Deaths per(centage)/from total cases; deaths per 1 million citizens: Belgium- 15.26%; 597/1mil. Italy- 13.5%; 436/1mil. Spain- 10.23%; 490/1mil. France- 13.92%; 341/1mil. UK- 13.7%; 299/1mil. Netherlands- 11.9%; 257/1mil. Sweden- 12.1%; 217/1mil. … Germany- 3.73%; 69/1mil. ___ US- 5.7%; 160/1mil. ___ Romania- 5.44%; 30/1mil. 10635 infected;  601 dead; 2890 cured; 12009 quarantined;…

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Royal Navy Type 31 frigate order goes to Babcock

The race to design and build a new generation of Royal Navy frigates has been won by engineering firm Babcock. It has been named preferred bidder for the £1.25bn contract for five Type 31 warships. The deal secures hundreds of jobs at Rosyth in Fife, where the ships will be…

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H145 vs H135 si restul optiunilor

  Pana la urma urmei, H145M nu este un elicopter prost, doar rolul pentru care a fost propus de Airbus vis-a-vis de inzestrarea noastra pare putin fortat… Daca ar fi sa folosim H145 intr-un rol similar cu cel in care americanii folosesc UH-72  Lakota, sau cel mult cel de recunoastere…

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