Cu ceva timp in urma Marius Zgureanu si-a luat inima in dinti si a trimis mai multe interpelari, pe probleme de achizitii militare, mai multor factori de decizie din Romania. Asa cum de altfel ne asteptam, inca mai batem din buze dupa un raspuns, oricat de „limbaj de lemn” ar fi el.
Dar pe langa ai nostri am zis sa ne incercam norocul si cu polonezii, sa-i intrebam si pe ei ce parere au despre o eventuala colaborare cu Romania in privinta unui avion comun sau nu, de antrenament avansat. Uimitor, in doar 48 de ore polonezii au raspuns, si nu numai ca au raspuns, dar au facut-o intr-o maniera care arata clar ca au citit serios materialul trimis.
Mai jos aveti textul trimis de Marius Zgureanu si raspunsul polonez.
Could Romanian IAR-XT compete for the Polish Air Force trainer bid?
Dear staff of Polish Air Force
I am writing on the behalf of a group of military passionate people that are publishing short articles on a Romanian blog called RomaniaMilitary and I would like to know, if possible, if there is a final list of offers from the competitors on the replacement of the 16 PZL Mielec TS-11 subsonic trainer planes within Polish Air Force, offer registration that should have ended by April 30th 2012.
I don’t know if you took into account the existence of a Romanian trainer project – IAR-XT, whose characteristics are described below:,
IAR-XT is a development of the previous IAR-99 Soim Romaniansubsonic trainer plane ,
already in service within the Romanian Air Force.
Also, I’m not aware if IAR XT could nearly or fully fit your requirements for trainer plane and if Avioane Craiova factory has contacted you or submitted an offer to Polish Air Force request.
My information so far was that the main competitors were BAE Hawk, in 2 versions, and L159 Alca.
Concerning the IAR XT, it has not reached the production phase yet but this can also turn on Polish Air Force advantage, because you can still add requirements to make this plane fully fit on your needs and enter the product in the delivery phase in the timeframe already specified for this bid. This is one of the main differences in front of other competitors.
Furthermore, this common development would finally start to add substance to the military Polish-Romanian Strategic Partnership. The project can be part of a more complex collaboration, extended to ground-air missiles updates required by Romanian Forces and other common needs and developments. This could be the first step towards the full compatibility and sharing capability of the military equipments of the two strategic partners.
This partnership and common developments are a vital choice for the national and geopolitical interests of both countries, and the history proved the necessity of this approach time and time again.
I hope you will be able to shortly provide us a clarifying answer, through mail or a specific press-communicate, or to forward this short message to the proper authorities and that in the near future we will hear good news about Polish-Romanian Partnership!
Sincerely yours,
Marius Zgureanu & Romania Military active members
Answer from the Polish Air Force Command – press branch:
Dear Mr Zgureanu
At this moment we know nothing about the list of companies that provided answers to RFI issued one month ago. The point of contact should be for you the Armament’s Inspectorate. This is the institution that is responsible for the forthcoming tender and collects the answers for RFI. The RFI is only the begging phase of the tender.
As I undestand, Polish MoD expect to get more offers then could be filed in the tender that was cancelled in November 2011. My personal guess is that among the companies interested in a new tender we could see Korean Aerospace Industries (KAI with T-50), Alenia Aermacchi (with M-346) – so not only the BAE and AeroVodochody. The idea of the tender is to get 16 aircraft and complete traing and logistic system as a replacement for all TS-11 (not only 16 Iskras that you asked). We have about 40 TS-11 in the current inventory. Most of them are gathered in 41 Training Aviation Base in Deblin.
Mr. …
Answer from Polish Armament’s Inspectorate:
Dear Mr Zgureanu
Thank you very much for you interesting questions. I inform you that the plane IAR will be described in our analysis.
Best regards
Lt Col …
In conclusion, upon my request of information concerning the IAR-XT training plane concept for the bid launched by Polish Airforce for 16 trainer planes, bid closed by April 30th 2012, I received in less then 24 hours respectively 48 hours the answers posted above. I kindly thank to the people within Polish Air Force Command and Polish Armament’s Inspectorate for the quick reaction and the information they provided.
At least, IAR-XT is included in the analisys prepared by the Polish Armament’s Inspectorate for the acquisition contract of 16 trainer planes for the Polish Air Force.
We will see in the coming weeks or months what will be the shortlist and which winner they will choose. There is still time for discussion between the representatives of “Avioane Craiova” factory, INCAS and Romanian government officials on one side and the Polish Air Force and Polish officials on the other side.
In concluzie, la cererea mea de informatii cu privire la prezenta conceptului avionului de antrenament IAR-XT pentru competitia lansata de Fortele Aeriene Poloneze cu privire la inlocuirea a 16 avioane de antrenament, strangere de oferte inchisa la 30 aprilie 2012, am primit in mai putin de 24 de ore respectiv 48 de ore raspunsurile de mai sus. Le multumesc frumos celor de la Comandamentul Fortelor Aeriene Poloneze si celor de la Inspectoratul Polonez pentru Armamente pentru reactia rapida si informatiile furnizate.
Cel putin, IAR-XT este inclus in analiza pregatita de catre Inspectoratul Polonez pentru Armamente pentru contractul de achizitie al celor 16 avioane de antrenament ce vor intra in inzestrarea Comandamentul Fortelor Aeriene Poloneze .
Vom vedea in urmatoarele saptamani sau luni care va fi lista principalilor candidati si care va fi invingatorul. Inca mai este timp pentru discutii intre reprezentantii uzinei “Avioane Craiova”, ai INCAS si oficiali ai guvernului roman, pe de-o parte, si Fortele Aeriene Poloneze si oficialii statului polonez, pe de alta parte.
Cu stima,
Marius Zgureanu
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„Avionul de antrenament romanesc, un proiect imposibil? ”