- R: Configurația tipică este 2 UAV operabile simultan.
- R: Versiunea LE este o configurație opțională, nesolicitată efectiv de România.
- R: Nu există rezervoare suplimentare de combustibil în configurația tipică românească
- R: Setul de sarcină utilă include simultan Radar Thales si senzor optic Spectro XR de categoria 15 inci și multe alte opțiuni
- R: Da, 100% compatibil, Watchkeeper necesită un pachet de upgrade SW.
- R: Cerința obișnuită este de 200 km, 250 km este posibil cu antena direcțională integrată doar pe Hermes, deocamdată.
- R: Nu este integrat pentru că nu este interesant din punct de vedere operațional, deoarece necesită echipamente suplimentare care penalizează sarcina utilă pentru un câștig de doar câteva zeci de kilometri (20-40 km) ai legăturii de date.
- R: Nu în Watchkeeper până acum, dezvoltare în curs pentru UAV de clasă inferioară Elbit, disponibilitate probabilă ulterioară.
- R: Nici un comentariu despre arme.
- R: Există ca o capacitate opțională.
- R: AI, BigData, fuziunea senzorilor sarcinilor utile.
- R: Da, piste neasfaltate.
- R: Majoritatea structurii și componentelor UAV-urilor, cu excepția senzorilor.
- R: Compatibilitate HW/SW la nivel GCS (Ground Control Station)/sisteme de comunicații, majoritatea avionicii și altele.
- R: Nu se poate comenta in legătură cu acest subiect. Nediscutat.
- R: Nu se poate comenta in legătură cu acest subiect. EW există ca pachet opțional de sarcină utilă
- R: Depinde de utilizator/strategia de utilizare
- R: Varianta Hermes 900 Starliner cumparata de Elveția, certificat civil. Aliniat la cerințele NATO STANAG 4671 Ediția 3 (2019) pentru UAV (CERINȚE de navigabilitate a sistemului UAV / USAR) – caracteristica majoră de siguranță este „sense & avoid”, ciclu de rotație/zbor mai scurt și automat, masă mai mare la decolare.
- R: Nu poate fi dezvăluit, dar depășește in mod cert cerințele românești.
- R: Platforma este aceeași, doar sarcinile utile se schimbă. Configurația maritimă are un RADAR maritim, AIS (Automatic Identification System) în plus de sarcina utilă EO/IR. Este complet configurabil la nivel operațional, de la configurații terestre la maritime și viceversa .
- R: Integrat între GCS-uri pentru mai mult de 2 legături de comunicație simultan
- R: Posibil, poate fi integrat de partenerii NATO
- R: Realizabil pe teren.
- R: Este la nivelul cerut de Ministerul Apărării român.
- R: Răspunsul complicat și lung, nu poate fi discutat în acest Q&A.
- R: Nici un comentariu.
Acest lucru ar putea reduce, de asemenea, riscurile si crește capacitatea de supraviețuire a platformei de lansare cu echipaj în spațiul aerian contestat și ar putea extinde conștientizarea câmpului de luptă și capacitățile de atac dincolo de senzorii proprii ai platformei cu echipaj uman la bord.
- R: Nici un comentariu.
Aici rezumatul original, în limba engleză:
Please find here below some of the questions issued by Romania Military and the answers provided Elbit Systems specialists reffering to (Hermes 450) Watchkeeper :
1. How many UAS/systems manageable at once (how many GCS/system). Only 2 datalinks/UAVs? Romanian Army’s request is 3 UAV/system, but not clear how many can operate simultaneously.
- R: Typical configuration is 2 UAV operable simultaneously.
2.Hermes 450 Long Endurance is a special variant, or it is just a regular Hermes 450/ WatchKeeper with additional external fuel tanks?
- R: It is optional configuration, not actually requested by Romania.
3. What is the maximum fuel capacity with extra tanks on Watchkeeper X?
- R: There are no extra fuel tanks in Romanian typical configuration
4. What is the remaining payload when fuel tanks are fully loaded?
- R: The payload set includes Thales Radar + Spectro XR optical sensor 15 inch category and many other options
5. Watchkeeper X / Hermes 450 and 900 are fully compatible on GCS? Or some modifications, updates/upgrades are required to add 900 version?
- R: Yes, 100% compatible, Watchkeeper requires a SW upgrade package.
6. The datalink maximum range is 250km without retransmit? From Elbit slides is given 250km but some users give only 200km or even below. Is this for ideal conditions versus degraded ones?
- R: Regular requirement is for 200km, 250km is possible with directional antenna integrated on Hermes only, for now.
7. Does Watchkeeper X/ Hermes 450 have relay capabilities, to extend Datalink range with other UAV beyond the initial direct LOS datalink with the ground control station? Which distance? (Hermes 45 already have radiocom relay function).
- R: Not integrated because not operationally interesting, because requires extra equipment penalizing the payload for a gain of few dozen kilometers (20-40km).
8. Is there a direct datalink available between UAVs, or this is redirected through ground station datalinks?
- R: Not in Watchkeeper so far, development in progress for Elbit lower class UAV, later probable availability
9. The Romanian Army requirement includes carrying munitions. Are there any package preferences for potential integration, such as Elbit’s STAR-80L (tested also for SOCAT integration)?
- R: No comment on weapons.
10. Is there onboard de-icing system available for Watchkeeper X /Hermes450?
- R: Existing as an optional capability.
11. What is the „room for growth” on Watchkeeper X/ Hermes 450 architecture? Future integrations?
- R: AI, BigData, payloads fusion.
12. Can Watchkeeper X/ Hermes 450 use improvised grass-runways?
- R: Yes, unpaved runways.
13.What are the components/systems to be made in Romania for Watchkeeper X /Hermes 450? What is the percentage of proposed “Romanian-made” from the whole system?
- R: Most of the UAV except the sensors.
14. What are the ” the Watchkeeper X / Hermes 450 UAS, the Hermes 900 identical building blocks „?
- R: HW/SW compatibility at the GCS / communication systems level., most of the avionics and others.
15. Options for minimizing UAV’s RadarCrossSection and InfraRed signature?
- R: Sensitive subject, could not be discussed
16. Self-defense systems (chaff & flares, small DIRCM/IRCM) or Electronic Warfare integrated for Watchkeeper X / Hermes450?
- R: Sensitive subject, could not be discussed. EW is part of the optional payload.
17. What is the detailed hourly flight cost for Watchkeeper x/ Hermes 450? Some hints: https://www.muckrock.com/news/archives/2015/jan/12/how-843-lbs-seized-pot-lead-customs-and-border-pro/
- R: Depends on the user/ usage strategy
18. What are the near future developments for Watchkeeper X/ Hermes 450/900 family? Roadmap?
- R: Hermes 900 Starliner variant bought by Switzerland, civilian certified. Aligned to STANAG 4671 Edition 3 (2019 ) NATO requirement for UAVs (UAV SYSTEM Airworthiness REQUIREMENTS / USAR) – safety key feature is “sense & avoid”, shorter and automated turnaround cycle, higher takeoff weight.
19. What is the maximum windspeed for safe operations with Watchkeeper X/ Hermes450?
- R: Cannot be disclosed, but it clearly exceeds the Romanian requirement
20. Main differences on the maritime version versus land one?
- R: The platform is the same, only the payloads change. The maritime configuration has a maritime RADAR, AIS (Automatic Identification System) beside the EO/IR payload. It is fully configurable on Operational-Level from land to maritime configurations.
21. How can interact UAVs from 2 different base stations?
- R: Integrated between GCSs for more than 2 communication links simultaneously
22. Is there any Link 16 or equivalent integrated for communication with peers?
- R: Possible, can be integrated by NATO partners
23. Are the sensor and communication payloads reconfigurable from one mission to another? How much time does it takes to reconfigure? It can be done in the field or requires special equipment.
- R: Doable in the field.
24. What is the lifespan of the air structure of Watchkeeper X /Hermes 450?
- R: It is at the level requested by the Romanian MOD.
25. What is the average „Mean Time Between Failures”?
- R: Complicated and long answer, cannot be discussed in this Q&A.
26. What is the operating time span between 2 in-depth maintenance cycles (life cycles)?
- R: No comment.
27. Is there foreseen an integration package for Hermes (and for hereafter platforms) to directly interact with Puma SOCAT/Naval, IAR-99C Soim (or eventually Lancer and F-16MLU) to provide real time scouting and targeting and eventually act as remote RF link booster for weapons, to further extend their action range beyond launcher’s airship capabilities?
This could also reduce the risks increasing survivability for the launching manned platform in contested airspace and expand battlefield awareness and attack capabilities beyond manned platform’s own sensors.
- R: No comment.
Marius Zgureanu
Pentru mai multe detalii asupra produsului si configuratiei precum si istoricul achizitiei MApN, citeste si:
Elbit Hermes 450/Watchkeeper… putina istorie
A fost semnat acordul-cadru de furnizare a produsului „Sistem UAS tactic-operativ clasa II”
Watchkeeper X – propunerea Elbit pentru Romania
A fost semnat acordul-cadru de furnizare a produsului „Sistem UAS tactic-operativ clasa II”