Romania Military

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5 aprilie (6:42 AM, ora Seul): Correa de Nord face un nou test cu o racheta balistica, aceasta cazind in Marea Japoniei. Exista contradictii referitoare la rezultat. Sursele militare vorbesc despre 60 de km distanta, atingand o altitudine de 189 de km dupa un zbor de 9 minute. O alta sursa spune ca a explodat la 55 de secunde dupa lansare.

Strumpf zise pe Twitter:
11 aprilie (2:59 PM): I explained to the President of China that a trade deal with the U.S. will be far better for them if they solve the North Korean problem!
11 aprilie (3:03 PM): North Korea is looking for trouble. If China decides to help, that would be great. If not, we will solve the problem without them! U.S.A.

11 aprilie: US a trimis USS Carl Vinson (97000 de tone) impreuna cu escorta (USS Wayne E. Meyer, USS Michael Murphy, USS Lake Champlain) spre Coreea.

China face presiuni pentru rezolvarea pe cale diplomatica, prin negocieri.

Coreea de Nord a trimis catre CNN un comunicat in care spune: We will make the US fully accountable for the catastrophic consequences that may be brought about by its high-handed and outrageous acts. De asemenea, vor raspunde oricarui reckless acts of aggression si au mai spus ca We will make the US fully accountable for the catastrophic consequences that may be brought about by its high-handed and outrageous acts.

Sa vedem mutarile URSS Rusiei, Chinei, Coreii de Sud, Japoniei.

Actualizare 2017-04-11 12:40 PM: China a dus la granita cu Coreea de Nord 150000 de soldati in doua grupuri (probabil doua batalioane :)). Chinese army has deployed about 150,000 troops to the North Korean border in two groups to prepare for unforeseen circumstances. Motivul fiind perpectiva ‘optiunilor militare’ (military options) – atacuri asupra Coreii de Nord, asa cum s-a intimplat in Siria. Sursa: agentia de stiri Chosun.

Clarificare 2017-04-11 12:55 PM: trimiterea USS Carl Vinson s-a facut prin anularea unui exercitiu si a vizitelor in porturi australiene. Pe 8 aprilie a plecat din Singapore (Admiral Harry Harris, Commander, U.S. Pacific Command, has directed the Carl Vinson Strike Group to sail north and report on station in the Western Pacific Ocean after departing Singapore April 8). USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70) este liderul Carrier Strike Group 1 si este insotit de distrugatoarele din clasa Arleigh Burke USS Wayne E. Meyer (DDG 108) si USS Michael Murphy (DDG 112) si de crucisatorul din clasa Ticonderoga USS Lake Champlain (CG 57). Nu se stie nimic despre Destroyer Squadron 1, si el componenta a Carrier Strike Group 1.

Actualizare 2017-04-13 12:40 PM: La intrarea in marea Chinei de Sud, la Carrier Strike Group 1 se vor alatura si citeva distrugatoare japoneze. (Sursa: The Guardian). De asemenea, intiiul chinez (Xi Jinping) a declarat ca China is committed to the goal of denuclearisation on the Korean peninsula, safeguarding peace and stability on the peninsula, and advocates resolving problems through peaceful means (Sursa: Reuters), probabil dupa discutia cu Trump. Tot China prin Hua Chunying – purtator de cuvint al ministerului de externe – neaga cei 150000 de soldati de la granita, spunind ca ‘nu stie’ (not aware) despre aceasta mobilizare si ca au mai existat asemenea informatii ‘false si neintemeiate’ (groundless and false) in trecut. (sursa: The Guardian)

Actualizare 2017-04-13 16:50 PM: Imagini ale Punggye-ri sugereaza ca s-ar pregati un test nuclear. Dat fiind apropiatul eveniment (la 15 aprilie 2017 se implinesc 105 ani de la nasterea lui Kim cel Batrin), 200 de reporteri se afla in Coreea de Nord pentru a participa la fastuoasa sarbatoare. Zvonurile spun ca se pregateste ceva: un test nuclear, o parada, o lansare a unei alte rachete. (sursa: The Guardian via MSN)

Actualizare 2017-04-13 17:00 PM: A mai existat un schimb de declaratii intre US si Coreea de Nord. Donald Trump a declarat intr-un interviu la Fox News (Fox Business Network conform Reuters): We are sending an armada. Very powerful. We have submarines. Very powerful. Far more powerful than the aircraft carrier. That I can tell you. Referitor la Kim cel mic, Trump a zis: He is doing the wrong thing. iar intrebat daca el crede ca este sanatos psihic (fiind in reteaua Fox cred ca a fost o intrebare adresata) a raspuns: I don’t know. I don’t know him.. Coreea de Nord, prin ziarul oficial Rodong Sinmun a declarat: Our revolutionary strong army is keenly watching every move by enemy elements with our nuclear sight focused on the U.S. invasionary bases not only in South Korea and the Pacific operation theater but also in the U.S. mainland. (surse: Reuters, Zerohedge)

Actualizare 2017-04-13 20:30 PM: Oficial China opreste importul de carbune din Coreea de Nord si intoarce din drum cateva nave incarcate. Kim declara ca Beijingul face jocul americanilor. Din surse neoficiale chinezii maseasza importante medicale la granita cu Coreea.

Actualizare 2017-04-13 20:40 PM: Distrugatoare japoneze, posibil dotate cu sistemul AEGIS, se alatura flotei americane din jurul portavionului USS Carl Vinson. De urmarit ce fac sud-coreeni cu puternica lor flota de suprafata. Se pare ca Beijingul a ajuns la o intelegere cu Washingtonul, ori americanii au fortat o intelegere in schimbul unui tratat comercial amical.

Actualizare 2017-04-13 21:10 PM: Pentru a intregi imaginea: Seal Team 6 (baietii cu Osama bin Laden in 2011) se afla in Coreea de Sud pentru exercitiile Foal Eagle/Key Resolve desfasurate intre 7 martie si 30 aprilie (sursa: Aussie News). De asemenea, US au deja in Coreea de Sud THAAD; evident China s-a suparat, vazind-o ca pe o amenintare si a raspuns prin reducerea numarului de turisti spre Coreea de Sud (surse: CNBC, Time).

Actualizare 2017-04-13 21:45 PM:China… China a facut urmatoarele:
1. Dupa ce coreenii au lansat racheta, China a avut o luare de opinite pe tabloidul Partidului Comunist Chinez, Global Times publicata si pe ChinaMil in care spuneau ca ‘People’s Liberation Army (PLA) will launch attacks to DPRK nuclear facilities on its own. A strike to nuclear facilities of the DPRK is the best military means in the opinion of the outside world.‘ si ca ‘China has a bottom line that it will protect at all costs, that is, the security and stability of northeast China… If the bottom line is touched, China will employ all means available including the military means to strike back. By that time, it is not an issue of discussion whether China acquiesces in the US’ blows, but the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) will launch attacks to DPRK nuclear facilities on its own.‘ (sursa: ZeroHedge). Articolul a disparut insa. Il voi posta totusi mai jos.

2. Acelasi tabloid a mai publicat un articol (in data de 12.04) care spune ca ‘if the North makes another provocative move this month, the Chinese society will be willing to adopt severe restrictive measures that have never been seen before…‘ si ca ‘Washington’s latest threat to Pyongyang is more credible given its just launched missile attack at an air base in Syria. The Korean Peninsula has never been so close to a military clash since the North conducted its first nuclear test in 2006. If Pyongyang conducts its sixth nuclear test in the near future, the possibility of US military action against it will be higher than ever. Not only Washington brimming with confidence and arrogance following the missile attacks on Syria, but Trump is also willing to be regarded as a man who honors his promises. ‘ (sursa: Global Times, ZeroHedge)

3. Global Times are o voce temperata in editorialul de astazi (13.04), spunind ca ‘The reconciliation between the DPRK and the outside world is predestined, and The DPRK should take the initiative to make the first step. Accepting a certain degree of influence of big countries on the DPRK will be part of the opening-up costs of the DPRK, and the regime of Pyongyang should have the capability to maintain national stability while the country is reintegrating itself into the international community.‘. (sursa: Global Times via ChinaMil)

4. China neaga trimiterea a 150000 de soldati la granita. Nu au anuntat insa citi soldati au fost trimisi. ‘The People’s Liberation Army has been placed on alert over the tense situation on the Korean Peninsula, and have sent 150,000 more soldiers to the North Korean border near the Yalu and Tumen rivers since Friday, the Huffington Post reported on Monday. However, a Ministry of National Defense spokesperson said on Wednesday that those reports are fabricated, without elaborating, according to the website of the ministry.‘, ‘„The reports that China has sent 150,000 more soldiers to its border with the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea(DPRK) are purely fabricated”, said the Information Bureau of the Chinese Ministry of National Defense on Wednesday.‘. (sursa: ChinaMil, ChinaMil)

Actualizare 2017-04-14 16:10 PM:
US au utilizat o bomba GBU-43 (9797 kg/21600 livre) in Afganistan, lansata dintr-un MC-130. Au fost raportate 36 de victime, toti membri ai Daesh. (Sursa: Reuters) Daca nici asta nu e un mesaj trimis lui Kim cel mic, alaturi de toporistile din Siria si Carrier Strike Group 1 trimis in zona, atunci nu stiu care este. A, am uitat: vicepresedintele US Mike Pence ajunge in weekend la Seul, in Coreea de Sud.

Actualizare 2017-04-14 16:20 PM:
Coreea de nord a anuntat apropierea unui eveniment important, oficiali ai US indicind un nou test (a big event, asa cum au declarat ai lui Kim). Asa ca au declarat ca se pregatesc de o lovitura preemptiva daca exista indicii ca va avea loc un nou test nuclear. Metodele de atac sint clasice – toporisti lansate de pe doua distrugatoare aflate in zona si avioanele stationate la Andersen Air Force Base din Guam. (Sursa: NBC)

Actualizare 2017-04-14 16:25 PM:
Sa ne amintim. Miercuri Coreenii au spus ca vor lovi intii US cu o arma nucleara daca vor exista informatii despre un atac al US. Ieri (joi) au avertizat cu represalii (merciless retaliatory strike) daca US actioneaza. (Sursa: NBC)

Actualizare 2017-04-14 16:30 PM:
China a declarat astazi ca ar trebui sa se opreasca escaladarea, inainte de a ajunge intr-un punct ‘ireversibil’ prin ministrul de exetrne Wang Yi (We call on all parties to refrain from provoking and threatening each other, whether in words or actions, and not let the situation get to an irreversible and unmanageable stage). Evident, Kim nu tace din gura: The Trump administration, which made a surprise guided cruise-missile strike on Syria on April 6, has entered the path of open threat and blackmail. The army and people of the DPRK will as ever courageously counter those who encroach upon the dignity and sovereignty of the DPRK and will always mercilessly ravage all provocative options of the U.S. with Korean-style toughest counteraction.. (Sursa: Reuters)

Actualizare 2017-04-14 16:30 PM:
Coreea de nord tot comenteaza prin Han Song-ryol, un personaj din Ministerul de Externe, cu volumul destul de sus. Extrase: We certainly will not keep our arms crossed in the face of a US pre-emptive strike. Now we are comparing Trump’s policy toward [North Korea] with the former administration’s and we have concluded that it’s becoming more vicious and more aggressive. Whatever comes from US politicians, if their words are designed to overthrow the DPRK system and government, we will categorically reject them. rump is always making provocations with his aggressive words. So that’s why. It’s not the DPRK but the US and Trump that makes trouble. (Sursa:

Actualizare 2017-04-14 16:35 PM:
Nu se stie daca propozitiile urmatoare sint ale aceluiasi oficial: The US introduces into the Korean peninsula, the world’s biggest hotspot, huge nuclear strategic assets, seriously threatening peace and security of the peninsula and pushing the situation there to the brink of a war. This has created a dangerous situation in which a thermo-nuclear war may break out any moment. In acelasi timp, Nancy Pelosi (membra in Camera Reprezentatilor aleasa in 12th congressional district in California) a zis pe Tweeter The President’s escalation in #Syria and saber-rattling on North Korea demand immediate Congressional scrutiny., chemind la examinarea politicii lui Trump in Congres. (Sursa: Telegraph)

Actualizare 2017-04-14 16:45 PM:
Miine este Ziua Soarelui in Republica Populara Democrata Coreeana, 105 ani de la nasterea lui Kim Il Sung. Inca nu a inceput. Vedem miine.


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