Romania Military

rescUEd…by RoAF

Raportul lui Draghi

Cocarde/culori cunoscute…

The first (n.r. – aoleo, mamă!) rescEU delivery of protective face masks has arrived in Italy and will help keep health care workers safe as they fight the virus on the front line.

RescEU is a common European stockpile of medical equipment, such as ventilators, personal protective equipment, vaccines and therapeutics, to support EU countries that are facing shortages amid the coronavirus pandemic.

On 19 March, the EC created a strategic rescEU capacity – a common European reserve – of emergency medical equipment to help EU countries face the coronavirus pandemic. The Commission will finance 100% of the capacity, which is to be hosted by one or several Member States. The hosting State or States will be responsible for procuring the equipment with the support of the Commission. The Emergency Response Coordination Centre will manage the distribution of the equipment to ensure that it quickly goes where it is most needed.”

European Commision

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