Arta Razboiului, iulie 2024

This entry is part 91 of 91 in the series Arta Razboiului

Series Navigation<< Arta Razboiului, iunie 2024

3 comentarii:

  1. Noua munitie de 155mm ghidata, in lucru, in teste (bruiaj, etc) de la KNDS:


    „while its guidance system will be based on an inertial platform, probably the same used on the Katana, the satellite positioning receiver being here capable to exploit all global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) and not only the US one. This will allow bringing the round in the vicinity of the target, then the semi-active laser (SAL) guidance will be used to provide the required metric accuracy, this obviously needing the target to be illuminated by an external player, either a drone or a ground-based illuminator.”

    Frumos mix de elemente pozitionare, ghidaj, iluminare tinta.

  2. Bullshit!
    „Zelesnky’s wife Olena just spent 4.5 million euros of your tax payer money on a brand new Bugatti Turbillon (1 out of 250) in France.

    An employee of the Bugatti dealership in Paris by the name of Jacques Bertin revealed that the Zelensky’s made this purchase whilst visiting Paris on the 7th of June 2024.”

    • Vasile Băcăuanul

      Pai nupra înțeleg, săracu nenea Iancu: a luat madam Zelenski mașină sau e doar o manevră putinistica de a mai discredita președintele unei țări care a avut „nesimțirea”de a arata adevărata valoare a armiei mujice?

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