Arta Razboiului, mai 2024

This entry is part 89 of 99 in the series Arta Razboiului

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37 de comentarii:

  1. ATACMS missiles hit Russian training ground 80km from the frontline in Luhansk

    • Ha.ha.ha ! I am batut pe unguri cu un lot de sportivi compus din etinici maghiari/secui…. Mama ce ofticati au fost ! Ha Ha Ha. Bravo echipei Romaniei !

    • Sper să se mai termine odată cu porcăriile astea naționaliste.

  2. Lockheed Martin Corp., Missile and Fire Control, Orlando, Florida, is awarded a not-to-exceed $288,000,000 modification (P00014) to a cost-plus-fixed-fee order (N0001922F0010) against a previously issued basic ordering agreement (N0001919G0011). This modification adds scope to provide non-recurring engineering and material to support post-critical design review activities and test asset builds required to establish a new Long Range Anti-Ship Missile variant (AGM-158C-3) extending range beyond the existing AGM-158C-1 variant including advanced communications and survivability capabilities while supporting maritime strike missions for the Navy. Work will be performed in Orlando, Florida (97.5%); Troy, Alabama (1.5%); and Ocala, Florida (1%), and is expected to be completed in August 2026. Fiscal 2024 research, development, test and evaluation (Navy) funds in the amount of $25,000,000 will be obligated at the time of award, none of which will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Maryland, is the contracting activity.

  3. De la Erik Prince, in carti pt viitorul SoS

    • America continues to wage futile forever wars of convenience because Washington believes we are immune to reality and evolved beyond history. The grand strategy of the so-called Global War on Terror was conceived on a false premise promoted by Neocon think tanks and the Military-Industrial Complex that American drone technology could revolutionize counter-insurgency warfare through surgical strikes targeting only the leadership of terror organizations. This delusion produced sclerosis in the military by stripping authority away from field commanders concerning when to shoot and when to hold fire. A fixation on large orbiting cameras likewise devolved into high-tech voyeurism with lawyers, not commanders making battlefield decisions even when friendly troops were in peril and requiring urgent air support.

      Ultimately, the paradigm flies in the face of the realities of war. Leaders are replaceable. There’s always another ambitious jihadi looking to wear the crown of command. What actually ends wars is destroying enemy manpower, finance, logistics, and ability to resupply. Every relevant historical example tells the same story, from the wars of ancient Greece to continental European and Napoleonic wars to the American Civil War and the world wars of the 20th Century. In the course of losing WWII Germany lost 5.3 of 17.7 million men aged 15-44 years old, or 30% of their male population. This brutality is the reality of winning wars – as the recent US track record of failure shows. The “measured and proportional response” crowd wants a war without war. It’s a fantasy that only seems plausible to people who have never experienced war and are insulated from its consequences; their first-born children should be drafted into frontline combat units to relieve them of this problem.

      After the Roman Empire lost a crushing defeat at the Battle of Cannae, the Roman Senate immediately became 40% undermanned, because the Roman leaders actually served in the defense of their Republic and risked their lives in battle for it. Today, America’s elites instead spend their time on Wall Street or in think tanks gathering degrees and attending conferences. The old concept of noblesse oblige has gone missing from our national culture and so has the concept of accountability.

      • ,,as tensions rose in Ukraine in late 2021 and a Russian invasion looked imminent, a combination of Lend Lease and the Flying Tigers was offered to the White House. For fiscal year 2022, 200+ fully functional combat aircraft including 50 F-16s, 50 F-15s and 42 A-10s explicitly designed for destroying Soviet tanks were set to be retired, flown to the desert, and parked forever.

        These are not state-of-the-art aircraft but entirely adequate when flown by well-trained contract pilots filling the gap for 18 months while Ukrainian crews could be readied. Team Biden could have made a grand announcement before the invasion stating Ukraine would never join NATO but would have the means to defend itself. This airwing deployment with weapons crews and fuel would have cost less than $800mm compared to the hundreds of billions and incalculable deaths on both sides. Announcing no NATO expansion and instant deployment of a robust air wing could have prevented the largest war in Europe in eighty years.

  4. De inramat si pus sub grinda: ,,The current policy model of US security assistance is broken and counterproductive. The US military is the most expensive organization in 3,000 years of human history and has degenerated into an instrument for selling or grifting overpriced military hardware to countries that struggle to use it, let alone maintain it. The US military mows the lawn with Lamborghinis, when Kubota tractors is what our allies need.


    Kuzmin. Sa ne amuzam si sa reflexionam asupra unor detalii pilduitoare!

  6. Elena Carstea, auzind de Daniela si Alina: niste mitocani, dom’ne!

  7. Contracts For May 9, 2024


    Lockheed Martin Corp., Grand Prairie, Texas, was awarded a $221,223,730 modification (P00001) to contract W31P4Q-23-C-0032 for Multiple Launch Rocket System requirements. Work will be performed in Grand Prairie, Texas; Camden Arkansas; and New Boston, Texas, with an estimated completion date of April 30, 2028. Fiscal 2022 and 2024 missile procurement, Army funds; fiscal 2024 Foreign Military Sales (Finland) funds; and fiscal 2024 cooperative partner (Italy and United Kingdom) funds in the amount of $221,223,730, were obligated at the time of the award. Army Contracting Command, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, is the contracting activity.

    nu va fi niciodată președinte “portavion” sau cine știe?🤔

  9. Concert Jean-Michel Jarre la Bratislava, invitat Brian May(Queen pentru cei mai tineri)

  10. Bre, spuneti-mi si mie ce insemnatate are ziua de azi, ca ma saturai de propaganda „Ce frumoasa e Moscova cu terasele sale si femeile sale, metroul din Moscova, cladirile din Moscova…” peste tot pe social-media.


    Chinez care a luptat alaturi de un negru de partea Rusiei explica cum e lupta urbana. Nu ca in filme unde spargi o usa, arunci o grenada etc. A terminat cu 2 saptamani de constipatie, apoi diaree.

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