Arta Razboiului, martie 2022

This entry is part 62 of 99 in the series Arta Razboiului

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71 de comentarii:

  1. Cypis – song „Putin”.
    Lots of profanity, but that’s what you have to do now.

  2. KSU – „Who will protect you, Poland”


    KSU – „1944 in the Trench”


  3. KSU – „When the Nation Dies”

    „without a blood sacrifice my people dies”

    ZŁE PSY – „I was born in Poland”

  4. VOB – Voice Of Baceprot (Vocea Zgomotului) – Indonezia
    „The Enemy of Earth is You”

    The enemy of earth is you. Poison of peace is you
    (yes you are the great enemy)
    Who always hide the guilty like the right man show up
    (yes you are the real enemy,
    who always talk about humanity)
    Whereas you build asperity desire satisfying

    You’re entertaining the virginity of beach,
    save out the beauty of lake
    Take the fucking picture on the top of the mountain
    and then say to people
    „hey, let’s climb it,
    build the paradise memorable moment in here”

    You say „peace the world”. You say „love the earth”.
    You say respect about right life
    But you breaking all. But you making war
    But you breaking all. But you making war

    The enemy of earth is you. Poison of peace is you.
    (The destroyer of life is you, the killer of world is you)
    The enemy of earth is you. Poison of peace is you.
    (The destroyer of life is you, the killer of world is you)

    Yes, you’re stupid enemy!
    (Who always be the inspiration of the destroyer nation)

    You’re the creator of hate-speech,
    who always make the ugly people feeling bitch
    The corrupt government
    who kill the bright dream of children
    The scoundrel artist
    who bring the young generation jump to the hell,
    to the dark and to the end of world

    You say „peace the world”. You say „love the earth”.
    You say respect about right life
    But you breaking all. But you making war
    But you breaking all. But you making war

    The enemy of earth is you. Poison of peace is you.
    (The destroyer of life is you, the killer of world is you)
    The enemy of earth is you. Poison of peace is you.
    (The destroyer of life is you, the killer of world is you).

  5. M-a acuzat unu de trolaj prorusesc ca aduc in discutie echipamentul vechi al armatei. Uite ca mai aduc o discutie aici.

    Englezii discuta de vechile tunuri de 105 mm si utilitatea acestora, comparandu-le atat cu tunurile-obuziere de 155 mm cat si cu mortierele; stiu ca a facut pe vremuri si Eroul Bula parca o comparatie pe aici si sugera ca aceste tunuri mai au un rol. De fapt am vazut si in Nagorno-Karabah

  6. Completely meaningless and without any connection with reality …


    Haa …
    Yes, in a city with unknown name
    I’m going with my friends
    He leans around the corner
    Dirty baseball pack
    Seeing that something very, very, very bad is afoot
    We push forward briskly
    A friend of the smallest

    Go ahead
    Go ahead
    Go ahead
    Go ahead, man, let them know
    That we have a peaceful intention.

    „..As if the world doesn’t have enough problems, people are now worried that an evil demon locked in a rock for almost 1,000 years is on the loose.
    The so-called ‘killing stone’ that kept the malevolent spirit imprisoned all this time has split in two, sending believers into a state of panic.
    Japanese legend has it that anyone who comes into contact with the rock will die.
    According to mythology, the volanic rock – officially called Sessho-seki – is home to Tamomo-No-Mae, aka the Nine-Tailed Fox…”

  8. capatu satului

    Face news, marca latrina 3
    După ce latrina 3 făcea si desfăcea actu de justiție, actu de guvernare si orice inepție legat de controlu puterii de stat
    Inepții suficiente si justificate pt orice cetățean al patriei sărac cu duhu

    Dupa ce creatia lui phelix descoperise inexistenta covid si alte minuni împărătești
    A mai apărut o minune împărătească creșterea majora a prețului carburantului

    Așa ca fanii latrina 3 s-au încolonat si se încolonează in continuare la stațiile PECO ale patriei

    Latrina 3 si phelix te vrea prost
    Dacă ești in publicu ținta al face news ului dovedesteți capacitatea redusă de analiză si sinteză
    Înscrie-te la rând si mai cheamă si toată familia si toți cunoscuții

    Cred ca domn profesor creșă la seral phelix va primii sigur un premiu de la moskva
    Altfel nu se poate explica
    Somnu e in continuare prelungit la autoritatea din domeniu audiovizualului

    Dar sigur phelix e din nou nevinovat

    Iubesc tradarea dar urăsc pe tradatori

  9. Probabil ca e cunoscut acest articol mai vechi dar e interesant de citit, mai ales in contextul actual:

  10. Visul electricianului pasionat de tehnica militara : sa-mi cadă pleașcă un elicopter

  11. Un articol despre intentiile finlandezilor cu privire la apararea aa integrata

  12. Despre Marines Littoral Regiment

    Oare de asta am transformat BIM in RIM? 🙂

  13. Urasc sa am dreptate!

    De cand a aparut STDiscovery..tot m-am temut ca astia o vor trimite pe Mickey Spork sa-l plezneasca pe tanarul Lt. James T. Kirk sau ceva de genu’ asta!

  14. Un pdf despre licitatia slovaca pentru transportoare unde am fi „participat” si noi cu Piranha V


    Seas On The Moon (vedeti si „Infected Rain”)…din Republica Moldova…fratii Voluta (tobe si chitara).
    In functie de cantec aleg o voce care le convine…cum ar fi de exemplu Elena „Lena Scissorhands” Cataraga, Elizabeth „Eissa” (din „Morphide”) Zhovnerchuk…tot din rep. Moldova.

  16. In Future, US Creates The Most Genius Android Super Soldier To Help Ukraine Against Russia

    Well, I always hated Anthony „Cut the check” Mackie

    • pai n-are cum sa fie destinat zonei ruso-ucrainene, ca e prea colorat, bate la ochi 🙂
      Parca vad ca ar fi protestat ca e discriminat rasial pentru misiunea la care a aplicat 🙂

      Ca in bancul ala:
      CIA recrutau un spion pentru a il trimite la Moscova… Dupa o selectie riguroasa este ales unul care vorbea la perfectia rusa, rezista la vodka, le avea cu cazaciocul, cunostea toate obiceiurile, etc, etc, candidatul perfect.
      Cum ajunge la aeroportul din Moscova este arestat. De ce?

      Raspunsul mai sus 🙂

  17. Breaking news : s-au descoperit autorul ( cu cagula neagra ) si mobilul furtului de arma de la UM Mamaia-sat


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