Arta Razboiului, noiembrie 2021

This entry is part 59 of 99 in the series Arta Razboiului

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27 de comentarii:

  1. A aparut „Dune” – prima parte. Nu m-a dezamagit, un film bine facut, fara economii. Bun! Partea a doua prin octombrie 2022, daca nu ma insel.

    Dezamagit in schimb de „Fundatia” – serial. Fara mare legatura cu cartea, romantat, tras de par – in acord cu vremurile noastre multietnice. Dar strict referitor la scenariu, slabut. Totusi un serial bine facut.

  2. Eu am apreciat Fundatia cam pana pe la 23 de ani,cand am inceput sa-mi pun propriile intrebari.Prea mi se parea Asimov hard si deloc soft.Ei pe bune,cum poti sa crezi ca e posibil ca civilizatia de pe jde mii de planete sa intre simultan in declin ireversibil ?
    Apoi am avut ocazia sa intalnesc un american care mi-a explicat cum vad ei asta.Au si ei ambitiosii lor care cauta sa-si scurteze promovarile prin folosirea unor idei neconventionale.
    Deci atunci cand sefii americani au fost intrebati daca e posibil scenariul din Fundatia,ei si-au chemat specialistii.Iar aia au zis ca in situatia actuala,nu se pune problema.Terra e fragmentata politic,daca decade Ocidentul,se ridica Asia.Tehnologia de baza e disipata peste tot.
    Singurul risc ar fi Terra unita politic,asta ar semana oarecum cu Imp.Galactic.Dar o perioada de decadere ar insemna ca unii lideri ambitiosi sa rupa teritorii,devenind independenti.Iar prima lor grija va fi sa promoveze tehnologia.Se estimeaza ca 4-5% din lucratori sant indispensabili ca sa tina functionala infrastructura de baza a societatii.
    Daca societatea devine prea bogata,iar tinerii prea lenesi ca sa invete din greu spre a fi specialisti,va trebui creata o casta de tehnologi,extrem de bine platita si cu prestigiu social.Atunci toti tinerii capabili si ambitiosi care acum doresc sa devina bancheri,vor cauta sa devina informaticieni,doctori,ingineri ori mecanici.
    Deci probabil ca un scenariu ca cel din Fundatia nu va fi in urmatoarele sute de ani.Dar mi-a placut ce se subintelege de la specialistii americani.
    Daca lumea este diversa,impartita pe tari si zone de influenta,atunci oamenii sant in competitie si multe lucruri bune ies din asta.

  3. Dau copy paste aici din The Telegraph

    „Royal Marines have forced US troops to surrender just days into a training exercise after eliminating almost the entire unit. The British commandos “dominated” US forces during a training exercise in California, using a new battle structure.
    At one point in the battle, the commandos’ “kill board”, an intelligence assessment of the level of damage inflicted upon enemy equipment and units, had a tick against almost every American asset, indicating it had been deemed destroyed or rendered inoperable.
    Britain will eventually have two LRGs; one based in the UK and one located in and around the Omani port of Duqm CREDIT: James Breeden for The Telegraph
    Lieutenant Colonel Andy Dow, commander of the British force, said: “Throughout this deployment our focus has been on integrating game-changing capabilities from across the commando force to deliver disproportionate effect in the face of a free-thinking peer adversary.”
    The British troops used the exercise to trial the new Littoral Response Group (LRG) structure, around which the future commando force will be built.
    Under reforms directed by the First Sea Lord, Admiral Sir Tony Radakin, Britain’s commando forces are to become more flexible and mobile fighting troops. Following the restructure of amphibious forces, Britain will have two LRGs each based around an existing unit of Royal Marines.
    s northern and Baltic flanks will be covered by LRG (North), based in the UK. The second – LRG (South) – will be based afloat in and around the Omani port of Duqm, focussing on British military activity in the Indo-Pacific region.
    LRG (South), built around Taunton-based 40 Commando, will be held at a high state of readiness from next year. Each LRG will be able to work with the carrier strike group to produce an expeditionary strike force capable of operating anywhere in the world for extended periods of time.
    Exercise Green Dagger is attended by military forces from multiple countries and takes place in one of the biggest military training areas in the world. The exercise is designed to test US Marine Corps units prior to them being deployed overseas.
    The military exercise was based around three urban areas set within a vast expanse of over 3500 square kilometres of mountainous and desert terrain CREDIT: James Breeden for The Telegraph
    The exercise area covers over 3500 square kilometres of mountainous and desert terrain, and includes urban settings with actors playing civilians who can choose to help or hinder the military forces and do not have to follow a script. The weeks leading up to the main exercise saw LRG (South) train with troops from the US, Netherlands, Canada and UAE.
    The Royal Marines’ success was achieved by targeting the US headquarters and valuable equipment, paralysing counter-attacks from the Americans. The US were eventually defeated by a British long-range commando assault supported by fighter jets.
    The exercise concluded with a last minute US assault which was repelled, leaving the Royal Marines in control of over 65 per cent of the entire area, having started with less than 20 per cent.”

    Sper ca BIM ai nostri sa traga invataminte 🙂

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