Arta Razboiului, noiembrie 2024

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50 de comentarii:

  1. Lebanon google tr. „Aceasta este a 4-a companie de tancuri conform semnelor tactice, ceea ce înseamnă că acum au început să returneze a treia companie obișnuită la batalioanele de tancuri. Și, de asemenea, toți comandanții de tancuri poartă căști balistice noi care le protejează cu adevărat capul.”

    • Asi vrea sa vad tot ce aduci in linkuri, dar din pacate e un site
      rusesc in care sunt obligat sa ma inscriu. Eu nu ma bag in tot ce scrie
      chirilic ! sorry ! ☹️

      • I know… Тhe whole point is that „in translation” – increase in the number of regular brigades. Israeli forums „Varonline. org.” (ru) and (hebrew) – the best. Regards and Shabat Shalom!

        • Limba asta, nu te supara, mie si la multi
          aici ne face greata stiind ce au patit
          tatii si bunicii lor de la ei. 😮‍💨 La fel ei
          fac in momentul de fata in Ukraina, nu ca
          ukrainienii in acele timpuri erau mai buni.
          Shabat shalom !

          • Nasol moment. Vezi să nu îți iei cafteală pe motivul ăsta. Din 10 milioane cam 15% sunt vorbitori de lb rusă pe acolo prin Israel. Evrei veniți din Russia sau descendenți. Cam multi,zic și eu.!!

            • Numai ca ei, inteleg asta fc si ei
              au mancat o de la rusi. Eu am privilegia
              sa nu stiu/vorbesc limba rusa, privilegie
              care ei n au.
              Si un mic fapt: limba rusa e cea mai bogata limba din lume multumind Piotr
              cel Mare care a adus mesteri din toate
              tarile de vest implinind initiativa lui sa
              construiasca flota cea mare impreuna cu
              care au inceput sa imprumute cuvinte din
              aceste tari, dar ca mujici, mujici au ramas
              cu toate salile lor de opera italiana si balet frantuzesc.😉

            • Мy grandkids are Hebrew speaking. And think… 15% should be halved, аlas. (smiley)

          • Аn information resource where we can talk freely in Hebrew, English, Ukrainian, Russian no complex… Server in USA nearly a quarter century. They’re very serious people, from different countries.

  2. Eseu al CTO-lui Palantir despre industria de aparare a USA
    In 1993, after the end of the Cold War, America wanted a Peace Dividend and defense spending was slashed by 67%. The Secretary of Defense held a dinner at the Pentagon — the so-called “Last Supper” — to tell the 51 primes they would not all survive. Today, there are 5.
    The most important consequence of the Last Supper wasn’t a reduction in competition in the Defense Industrial Base, but the decoupling of commercial innovation from defense and the rise of the government Monopsony. Consolidation bred conformity and pushed out the crazy Founders and innovative engineers. This was the Great Schism of the American Industrial Base.

    Before the fall of the Berlin Wall, only 6% of defense spending went to defense specialists — so called traditionals. The vast majority of the spend went to companies that had both defense and commercial businesses. Chrysler made cars and missiles. Ford made satellites until 1990. General Mills — the cereal company — made artillery and inertial guidance systems.

    • Ce de nume tolkiene in industria de aparare in ultima vreme, Anduril, Palantir…

    • „The vast majority of the spend went to companies that had both defense and commercial businesses. Chrysler made cars and missiles. Ford made satellites until 1990. General Mills — the cereal company — made artillery and inertial guidance systems.”

      And the AC Sparkplug Division of General Motors made M2 machine guns. As if Ford Aerospace was a commercial company. Not! It had one customer: the Department of Defense. What we have here is another opinionated dot head that will tell us how he will revolutionize defense acquisitions and expand the defense industrial base. Right…I would like to see how this little fag will tangle with the big boys if he wants to compete with the likes of Raytheon and Lockheed. He’ll shit a brick when he takes a closer look at the capital expenditures of these two. You make software, so stick to that. That means you will make perhaps hundreds of millions rather than the tens of billions that this asshole dreams about.

      • Big boys nu au balls . Nu mai au de multi ani ani,,, little fag” are capitalizare peste Boeing sau Lockheed cu 100 k personal mai putin. Te rog, spune- ne care este opinia generalilor despre interzicerea angajarii lor in industria de aparare dupa iesirea la pensie (propusa de Trump)? Te rog, te roooog soune-mi si mie ce anume din tehnologia RTX sau Lockmart VISEAZA sa se apropie de,,the little fag”

        • Hmm…

          Palatir Market Cap $93 billion
          Boeing Market Cap $95 billion
          Lockheed Market Cap $129 billion

          Market cap does not mean jack shit. Tesla has a market cap that is 20 times bigger than Ford Motor company for essentially building the same number of vehicles. If somebody pulled the wool over your eyes to buy that electric kettle, that is a question of marketing.

          Let’s see how is this little fag is going to design and build an EKV if it’s that easy. This fag is so pained by the fact that DoD continues to spend more money on things like IBM Watson than on his software for the simple fact that they behave like know it all assholes. Rule of thumb; don’t hire assholes; see Oracle.

          „Generalii” nu au nicio opinie. Nu toti generalii ajung sa fie oameni de afaceri. Legea este destul de clara. Lucrezi pentru astia mari esti recuzat automat pentru cel putin 2 ani, daca nu si mai mult, sa lucrezi la un program pe care l-ai supravegheat/administrat cand erai in uniforma. Ca drept consecinta nu stiu ce abureala viseaza idolul portocaliu.

  3. Articol de opinie al unuia care probabil ca se pricepe despre importanta aviatiei vs drone mici de unica folosinta:

    • Two top officials at the US Air Force, Secretary Michael Wynne and Chief of Staff Michael Moseley, were fired today by the Secretary of Defense Robert Gates. The Air Force leadership has been involved in numerous recent controversies including an incident in which live nuclear bombs were flown over US airspace and for steering a contract to a retired general. The „last straw” however, according to one defense official, was a screw-up that resulted in nuclear fuses accidentally being sent to Taiwan.Gates decided to ask for the resignations of the two officials in the wake of a blistering, and still classified, report on the Taiwan screw-up, in which four MK-12 fuses were accidentally shipped earlier this year.
      Domnul de care vorbesti e in pampersi de multi ani si habar nu are de cit costa o drona si cit costa un bombardier care o intimpina

  4. Suez Canal, INS „Lahav”. Gabriel-5 аnti ship missiles it’s a service weapon.

  5. Gata, a ajuns „stealth” ul sovietic în China
    Nimic nou, nituri și șuruburi aparente, luft-uri de bagi mana între panouri, partea dorsala de la bosajele motoarelor pare tabla de dural, canard-ul la fel.
    Ca să nu mai lungim, e un airframe de dural pe care montează prin asamblari demontabile ceva panouri compozite cu abateri geometrice mari.
    Tehnologic e la ani lumina față de F117 din anii ’80 și foarte probabil fata de ce fac chinezii.
    @Strumpf, ne poți detalia opinia ta! Plz.

  6. Nu sunt singurul (ce modest sunt) care a observat de ce NGAD „are probleme” de design „kite / flying wing”, suprafetele mobile de control sunt totul sau mai bine-zis, cum sa le ascunzi de radar):

  7. Gen 6 … chinezesc!
    Bro, that’s movie / game prop!
    *editat – deja circula nume precum „Pekin/Beijing Duck” sau „Quacker” (aluzie la Qaher-313 al iranienilor)

  8. „Macelarirea cavalerilor”?
    WTF, translator!?!
    *editat – „Deep Cloud Technology”

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