„Maybe the best description of the aircraft from someone who actually took part in Operation Neptune Spear came from Robert O’Neil, who is often referred to controversially as ‘the man who killed Osama Bin Laden.’ He recounts the following in the weeks leading up to the raid:
When we got to Nevada a few days later, where the team trained on another full-scale compound model, but this one crudely fashioned from shipping containers, we turned the corner, saw the helos we’d actually use, and I started laughing. I told the guys, „The odds just changed. There’s a 90 percent chance we’ll survive.” They asked why. I said, „I didn’t know they were sending us to war on a fucking Decepticon.”
Ceva ce probabil se apropie cat de cat…
Si durerea/sucarirea mea cea mai mare, faptul ca nu exista la ora actuala nici un Black Hawk dedicat de atac desi…a fost o macheta, S-71AAH: https://www.sikorskyarchives.com/S-71%20AAH.php
Daca Sikorsky pierde tot contractul cu SB-1 Defiant si castiga Valor…Sikorsky ar putea sa vina cu o varianta de atac dedicata, cu piloti in tandem, pentru a incerca sa vanda in continuare Black Hawk pe ideea „commonalitatii”.
Din articol:
„Maybe the best description of the aircraft from someone who actually took part in Operation Neptune Spear came from Robert O’Neil, who is often referred to controversially as ‘the man who killed Osama Bin Laden.’ He recounts the following in the weeks leading up to the raid:
When we got to Nevada a few days later, where the team trained on another full-scale compound model, but this one crudely fashioned from shipping containers, we turned the corner, saw the helos we’d actually use, and I started laughing. I told the guys, „The odds just changed. There’s a 90 percent chance we’ll survive.” They asked why. I said, „I didn’t know they were sending us to war on a fucking Decepticon.”

Ceva ce probabil se apropie cat de cat…
Si durerea/sucarirea mea cea mai mare, faptul ca nu exista la ora actuala nici un Black Hawk dedicat de atac desi…a fost o macheta, S-71AAH:
Ar fi fost o chestie tare ca black hawk să fie configurabil în absolut orice variantă.
Atunci ar fi meritat să cumpărăm vreo 100 de bucăți.
Transport, utilitar, naval, atac, isr/ew, sof, sar, etc.
Sunt planuri sa retraga BH dupa 2030…
Daca Sikorsky pierde tot contractul cu SB-1 Defiant si castiga Valor…Sikorsky ar putea sa vina cu o varianta de atac dedicata, cu piloti in tandem, pentru a incerca sa vanda in continuare Black Hawk pe ideea „commonalitatii”.
Ca sa poata fi stealth ar trebui sa aiba suprafetele vitrate aurite .
EH-60 n-avea ce sa caute atat de aproape. Ala
care a picat statea la punct fix pt coborare pe parama cand au tras in el
Cred ca cel din poza e un banc de probe …cel putin asa arata . Cel din operatiune arata mai finisat decat asta